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Parking Made Easy > Guest Blog > How Do Bone Conduction Headphones Reduce The Risk While Driving A Car?

How Do Bone Conduction Headphones Reduce The Risk While Driving A Car?

Bone conduction headphones reduce the risk while driving a car. It's been found that up to 34% of accidents are caused by drivers talking on phones, and this can be reduced with bone conduction headphones. Bone conduction is an alternative form of audio transmission that sends sound waves through the head or skull to vibrate bones near the eardrums which then transmit vibrations into the inner ears, bypassing outer and middle ear structures. This process will help you hear everything around you while listening to music. This means you can enjoy music at lower volumes without risking your hearing as well as listen to instructions from GPS devices without distraction.   There are many benefits to using bone conducting technology in cars.
The main reason for the use of bone conduction headphones is to reduce the risk while driving a car
For those who enjoy driving, but are concerned about the risk of accidents due to listening through earphones or headphones while on their commute, bone conduction may be an option worth exploring. This type of technology allows you hear what's going on around your vehicle without having anything blocking any sound waves from entering into your ears; instead it goes straight onto inner-ear tissues so that only vibrations reaching this region will register as sound with corresponding movement being felt by muscles in head ipsilateral (same side) rather than contra lateral (opposite side).
It reduces the risk as it doesn't require you to hold your phone or device in order to listen to music.
It reduces the risk as it doesn't require you to hold your phone or device in order to listen music while driving a car. The use of mobile phones while driving has been proven dangerous. These devices can reduce the risk because it allows you to listen to music or calls without holding your phone or device, making it easier and safer for drivers who have these types of headphones with them at all times
There are many advantages of using these headphones such as they don't block out surrounding noises and if need be, can be used with one ear only.
Ever wanted to hear a song, but didn't want the hassle of wearing your earbuds? This is what bone conduction headphones are for! These types offer great sound quality and let you enjoy everything that comes out without bothering others. They're also lightweight which means they will never get in the way while on an adventure or at work-you can take them literally anywhere with ease
 They're also very affordable so anyone can afford them without having to spend too much money
Bone conduction headphones are a great option for anyone who wants to save money and avoid having their voice sound too loud. They're also very affordable, so you don't have be rich or famous before being able to afford them!
The cost of bone conducting earphones can vary depending on their features but many outlets offer very affordable prices for a set. Here's an easy place where everyone can find something suitable: Click here. They provide clear sound quality which makes listening more enjoyable than ever before
You can connect your car LCD with bone conduction head phones via Bluetooth.
Bone conduction headphones are a new invention that allows you to connect your car LCD with bone conduction head phones via Bluetooth. One of the main benefits is not having wires in between the two devices, which means they can be more portable and hands-free.
 These headphones also do not cause ear fatigue since it does not go through your ears like traditional headphones, but instead transmits vibration through your skull bones.  
Bone conduction headphones are a safer option as it doesn't require you to hold your phone or device in order for the sound to be heard, meaning that you can keep both hands on the wheel while driving. It's been found that up to 34% of accidents are caused by drivers talking on phones, and this can be reduced with bone conduction headphones.

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