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Chernobyl Tours

Chernobyl Tours

Chernobyl Tours allow the visitors to experience ground zero where the incident took place. We will take you on a tour that will take you to the time dating back to 1986. And this is the time of the first months when the incident of Chornobyl occurred. Let us start with a brief introduction to the places that you are going to visit with us.


Chernobyl Town

In 1986, a radiation-dangerous territory was alienated, and its administrative center was established. The town had a population of approximately 13,000 people before the accident. And the facilities in this area are responsible for ensuring the zone is safe for the environment. Additionally, the staff of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs is also present. Here, the 30-kilometer zone is guarded, and unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering its territory to date.



Radioactive fallout is present in the abandoned city of Pripyat. Grass, trees, houses are covered with dust. Besides the growing artemisia in the city, it was also present in nearby areas before the accident.

Under the influence of the environment, vacant buildings gradually begin to fall into disrepair. The buildings with the oldest age are the most vulnerable to destruction. Moreover, when the first secondary school was built, for instance, two collapsed in the year 2005 following 2013.

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Amusement Park

Near Pripyat's center is a nonfunctional park, and the departmental store's buildings are behind the square. Located in the same complex are the Energetik Palace of Culture and the Polissya Hotel.

There is a Ferris wheel in the park that is the most popular attraction. Later, both Pripyat, as well as the entire Chernobyl exclusion zone, were symbolic of it. Despite being scheduled to launch on May 1, 1986, the wheel never worked. As one of the most heavily infected sites in Pripyat, the park has been severely affected.


Command Center

The Soviet Union controlled its secret object. In the circumpolar region, it was possible to track high-flying targets at 900 to 3000 kilometers. Chernobyl-2, where the command center was located, operated as the command center.

For more control and security, employees needed two passes to access the facility. In the study rooms, recruits were trained using control panels, buttons, Soviet slogans, and Soviet slogans. And the secret of Soviet military secrets is said to have been kept there to this day.


Red Forest

Approximately 10 square kilometers of forest, this is a relatively small area of a forest belt. In the explosion, radioactive dust accounted for the majority of the release. Radiation leaks produced bright red spots in the forest. And thousands of tons of radioactive dust are delayed with the help of trees, which serve as filters.

The pine crown retains dust well and is very dense. The Chernobyl zone is home to some of the most unique places in the world. Observable radiation effects can be seen even today on living organisms.


The Village

Located just 4 kilometers away from Chernobyl is the abandoned village of Kopachi. In the zone of the so-called "Western footprint" at the time of the accident, the village was situated. Further, radioactive emissions are carried by the wind rose in one of the ways.

Upon learning of the radiation level in the village, it was completely buried. As far as we know, only the kindergarten building has survived. STALKER: The call of Pripyat featured the village of Kopachi. For the time being, the area is uninhabited, making it a popular destination for animals of all kinds.


Cooling Tower

In circulating water supply systems, cooling towers are one of the most effective devices for cooling water. The third stage of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor was to be cooled by unfinished cooling towers. The cooling pond capacity might not have been enough if the 5th and 6th reactors had been launched.

There were cooling towers that were turned off during the winter because of the hot summer. A 126-meter diameter base surrounds the tower, and a 150-meter-high building will be completed following the completion of the base.


Secret Radar

"Chernobyl-2", the Soviet Union's most secret project, was commissioned after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. On all topographic maps of that time, it was marked as a summer camp. "Russian Woodpecker" was named for the distinct sound that they made when on the job (knocking).

There are about 150 meters of height and 800 meters of length at the station. In the aftermath of the events of 1986, In order to prevent damage to electronic equipment, the device was frozen, and exploitation was discontinued.

Here is brief information about the place you are visiting, your favorite tourist destination, the Chernobyl. All the visit is appropriately administered and in good hands regarding your safety and gears that allow you to visit the place in peace and harmony.

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