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Parking Made Easy > An Introduction To Renting Garages

An Introduction To Renting Garages

An Introduction To Renting Garages

When you think of the residential garage, 3 pictures come to mind:

  • Parked vehicles
  • A workshop filled with tools and projects
  • Storage room jammed with boxes and old camping equipment

What many people don’t see is the potential to create an extra income. Parking Made Easy has made it possible to turn your unused or underused garage space and rent it, turning it into an income-producing asset.

Why Your Garage is Important?

Before the common ownership of personal cars, the only extra buildings on your property would be for animals and farm equipment. As more and more people bought and drove cars, the need for the personal garage was born. This extra building gave you a safe, dry place to store your vehicle, out of the elements and away from potential thieves.

Over the years the garage has morphed into an all-purpose space that can house workshops, band practice spaces, martial arts training and workout spaces. It can be a large storage room or a man-cave as well. The functionality of the garage has changed over the years but its use as an extension of the home has always been present.

Renting Garages An Introduction for Beginners

The Benefits of Garages

The benefits of having a garage are clear to anyone who either doesn’t own a garage or has recently moved to a home where they now have a garage. Why is it so great to own a garage?

  • Your garage gives a safe and secure storage area for your vehicles
  • You have an area for working on projects you want to keep indoors and out of the elements with a garage
  • The garage is a great space for the older children in your house to play
  • An area to keep the extra stuff you don’t want to store in your house in your garage
  • Bonus benefit: A new way to make an extra income by renting your garage!

Why Renting Your Garage is Important?

With new technology come new opportunities. There has never been a time before when you could take your unused garage space and turn it into an income stream for your household. Think of what you could do with an extra 100, 200 or even 300$ a month! Entrepreneurs and innovators find solutions to needs in the world. What Parking Made Easy has done is found a need and provided you with a way to deliver the solution by giving you the ability to rent your garage. It’s a win-win!

The Benefits of Renting Your Garage

Your garage can provide you with many great benefits. If you need the space for your current lifestyle, the garage provides a great extra space for your home. If you find that it is underused or completely unused, choosing to rent it will provide many other benefits including extra revenue and knowing that you are maximizing the potential of your garage. It can also help remove the stress of wondering where you will find extra cash for the extra perks in life like spa days, birthdays and extra treats.

The Ultimate Guide to Renting Garages: Everything You Need to Know

The Anderson’s Story

The Anderson family is your typical Australian family living in Melbourne. Their only son has graduated and has left for college. In the weeks that followed, Chris Anderson, the father, cleaned out the garage. Now that his son no longer parked his car in the garage and all the junk that belonged to his son either went with him or was put into storage, there was a tremendous amount of available room in the garage.

An Exciting Trip

Chris and his wife had always talked about the day their son would move off to college. They had planned a large getaway vacation for the two of them. They had plans to see much of the Gold Coast and also see New Zealand. They had been saving up for this trip for years but the economic downturn and a market crash had hit their getaway fund hard. There wasn’t quite enough there to do the trip like they always wanted.

Chris had looked into many different options to making extra income and putting away more for their dream trip. The challenge with all these options was that they would require a large part of his evening time, or would require a larger up-front investment. This is exactly what he wanted to avoid.

How to Make the Money?

He had looked into driving and delivering food in the evenings with one of the many food delivery service platforms that operated in the area. He figured he could make a decent amount of money this way but his evening routines would be compromised. Especially with their home now to the two of them, Chris and his wife had plans to go on more date nights. And have more exciting adventures. A part-time evening job would get in the way of this plan and he wasn’t willing to do that.

How to Rent a Garage: A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Renters

Chris always enjoyed creating wooden puzzles in the garage and gave them out as gifts to people. These gifts were always a hit and many times, he was encouraged by his friends to sell these wooden puzzles. He had looked online at the average sale price of these types of toys and considered the amount of time it would take. It might be worth the effort but this would also cut into his evening time, so he chose to not pursue that either.

He looked at everything from investing in crypto-currencies to building an online e-commerce business but nothing he looked at felt right. He even considered turning his garage into a granny flat. Since the garage was now free, he could turn it into a rental property and create a substantial income. His problem with this idea was the upfront investment. The upgrade to their garage would use up the rest of their trip savings and they both decided that was not an option.

The Solution

Chris was describing his situation to a co-worker one day when he was told about Parking Made Easy. He had never heard of such a service or platform and was very attentive. Upon returning home, he explained to his wife that he could put up their now empty garage space for rent on and rent the garage as an extra source of income.

They signed up for the community and listed the garage for rent. They looked at the average cost of parking spaces for rent in the area and found that living in a densely populated area near the city center, the rent rates were astronomically high for anyone parking. They chose what they believed to be a reasonable rent rate for the area and listed their garage. They were immediately flooded with requests to rent their garage space!

Over the last few months, the Andersons have been able to put away a few hundred dollars every month by utilizing their empty garage and letting others rent it out for parking in their area. This has created a renewed excitement about their upcoming vacation which is closer than ever! All because they listed their garage for rent for the Parking Made Easy community to use. Anyone who talks to Chris today about needing to make some extra money hears about his experience and how to rent their garage with Parking Made Easy.

The Benefits of Renting a Garage: An Introduction

How Does Parking Made Easy Work?

Parking Made Easy is a digital marketplace that connects those seeking parking spaces for rent with those who have the parking spaces or a garage available for rent. Many people have unused or underused garage or parking spaces available. Many of them would want to rent this unused space to make an extra stream of income. By creating a space where these two groups of people can meet, we are creating a win-win for everyone involved.

As a homeowner or the one who will rent the parking space or garage, you get to enjoy this set of benefits!

  • You can create more dispensable income by choosing to rent your garage for your expenses and life
  • Make that extra money with no extra effort!
  • Rent that underused or unused parking space or garage and make money!
  • Add value to the local community by offering up a space or garage that someone wants and needs to rent
  • List your space or garage for rent on Parking Made Easy for thousands to see with no listing fee!
  • Drivers who are seeking to rent spaces or a garage get these specific benefits that you wouldn’t receive using the typical parking space or garage.
  • You can keep more of your money by paying reasonable, and not ridiculous, rates to rent a garage or rent a space
  • You waste none of your time searching for a parking space or garage by knowing exactly where you are going to rent it and knowing that it will be empty and ready for you.
  • You don’t have to worry and stress about the potential of parking fines since you chose to rent in a private parking garage.
  • Money back guarantee on the Parking Made Easy community membership
  • You are creating a benefit for locals in the community by picking to rent a garage

The two things in life that can give you the highest return are your time and your money. Drivers shouldn’t waste them driving around and having to pay ridiculously high rent for parking their cars. As a homeowner, you should rent your garage to create a benefit for your family.

How to Find the Perfect Garage for Rent: A Step-by-Step Guide

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